We are excited to announce that we are partnering with a company which allows us to do a monthly giveaway. Before going over the rules there are few things i would like to share about the company. The company who wishes to remain anonymous at this moment have been doing this type of giveaways for over five years now and we are excited to have them by our side from this day to more in the future. So what this company does is finds good offers and relay it back to public to test their luck. With nothing to lose this is a really good opportunity to test your luck.

The rules are simple. To enter the contest click on the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button below. And to participate in such offers one will have to submit their details so that it will be easier to contact them when they win the prize. In the end of each month a winner will be chosen randomly using the help of artificial intelligence and the giveaway will renew every month until we are backed by our partners.

So, if you’re feeling lucky why not give it a shot?